Monday, August 1, 2011

Planning & Scanning

Hey all,

It’s been a while, but don’t worry, I’ll have you all caught up with what I have been doing these past few weeks. My duties have been rather repetitive lately, not much new and exciting, but still important within the world of archives. I am finally done with pulling out documents that will go out for this round of scanning. There will still be other documents to scan, but they will go to scanning later. I had previously pulled out many ledgers, and now I have added minute books to the mix. Some of the minute books are rather old, but all are informative. Apparently, a lot of the board of directors meeting for NVF took place in South Beach. The fact that Victor Posner had business in Miami, and NVF held meetings there makes me feel like this internship was a perfect match, as I am originally from Miami. NVF had plants located in different states besides Delaware and even had international locations: two plants in Canada and one in France. Besides the ledgers and minutes books, I have been prepping numerous amounts of blueprints for scanning. Many of the blueprints are rolled up, so I unroll them and lay them down flat in an over-sized carrying case, layering blueprint on top of blueprint until the case is full. Because the materials will be undergoing outside scanning, it is imperative to know exactly what has been sent out. Therefore, I have cataloged all the blue prints; to date, I have 25 typed pages of blueprints. It’s a lot of work, but well worth it.


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